How Do You Recognize Different Types Of Computer Malware?

Malware is among the top causes of data breaches and security incidents. But unfortunately, most individuals and even some businesses still don't know what malware is, how it works, or how to protect themselves from malware.

At its most basic level, malware is any software designed to cause harm to a computer system. The software include viruses, worms, Trojans, and ransomware. Cybercriminals often use malware to steal sensitive data or take control of a system for malicious purposes. Read on to learn about the different malware and how to recognize them.


A virus is a type of malware that attaches itself to a program or file and then replicates itself by making copies. It can spread quickly and infect an entire system in a short period. Viruses often cause significant damage to systems, including corrupting files, stealing information, and even destroying data.

Most viruses get to your computer through email attachments or when you download infected files online. However, hackers can also spread them through social media and instant messaging platforms.

To protect yourself from viruses, avoid opening email attachments from unknown senders, downloading files from untrustworthy websites, and clicking on links in suspicious emails. You should also install antivirus software on your computer and keep it up-to-date.


Worms are nearly similar to viruses in that they replicate themselves and can spread quickly through a system. However, unlike viruses, worms don't need to attach themselves to a program or file - they can stand alone. Additionally, worms can spread themselves across networks without any user interaction.

Worms can cause significant damage to systems, including slowing down performance, eating up resources, and even crashing the system. Hackers can also use worms to steal sensitive data or take control of systems for malicious purposes.

Again, worms get to your computer like viruses do — through email attachments, downloaded files, and instant messaging.


Trojans are a type of malware disguised as a legitimate program or file. When executed, the Trojan will perform some malicious action — such as stealing data, deleting files, or taking control of the system.

Trojans spread in several ways, including email attachments and downloaded files. This malware can also get installed when you click on a malicious link or visit compromised websites.

If you suspect your computer has been infected with malware, disconnect from the internet, run a malware scan with your antivirus software, and then delete any infected files. In addition, change any compromised passwords. Most importantly, consult a computer IT professional to ensure your system is thoroughly cleaned and protected. For more information on computer services, contact a professional near you.
